I had a chance to bless someone last night - and it was the answer to a prayer. I'd ask God to bless me so that I could in turn be a blessing and it happened. It wasn't on a huge scale - but it was an answer to a prayer nonetheless. Not that I'd "down-play" answered prayer - ever.
I've been noticing how God has been answering prayer in my life as of late. It seems everywhere I look, it's an answer to a prayer. What a mighty Lord!
Yesterday wasn't the best of days for me. I didn't feel well. I guess I went back to bed three or four times trying to escape a nagging headache. I'd had it since waking up. I've not felt well in what seems days. Not bad enough to really complain - but I don't complain much. I live with pain levels in the sevens most of the time, but I just keep going. I keep a good attitude, and I realize after years of living with chronic pain --- what choice do I have? I can sit around and be miserable - or get up and live life. So, that's what I do -- I live life to the best of my ability. There are some days when I can't -- but they are few and far between.
I had plans with a very dear sister in Christ for dinner. I had to cancel with her the last time due to kidney stones - and I was not about to have to cancel with her again --- headache or not. She is very precious to me --- always encouraging, and always a kind word.
So in the attempt to throw the headache - I'd spent most of the day in bed, which is very unlike me. I did manage to do a little shopping right before going to her house for dinner. I don't know why I did it, but I took out some cash when I paid for my things. No matter, it was my intuition telling me to do it, and I took heed.
We had dinner and lovely conversation about church, God and all that we talk about. except this time which is unusual for my friend - she shared her struggles. She doesn't usually do that. I'm glad that she did, and feels close enough to me to do so - for she can be a very private person.
What is so beautiful is that I'd prayed sometime ago for God to bless me so that I be able to bless someone else. I've prayed for abundance and prosperity in my life - as well as for God to bring new people into my life. God has answered all of these prayers. In such a beautiful way. God always answers prayers in ways we can't always see... and beyond our imaginations. It blows my mind most of the time. However, I've stopped limiting God. Most of the time we only think God is able to do the things that we think of on "our" scale -- and we forget who HE (or she if that's what you need) is. He is not human......
Chew on that for awhile.
The point I'm trying to make is that prayers do get answered. If they're prayed from an earnest heart. I don't know that I've always believed this. I used to say it, but today -- I'm living proof. I'm living proof of miracles, answered prayers, and so much more where God is concerned. If anyone has taken the time to read my past blogs and seen how scattered I was - and in as much mental turmoil they would see the progression of peace in my life. A peace that passes understanding.
I love my life today. I have not always been able to say that. I'm comfortable in my own skin. More than comfortable. I'm at peace. Peace in today's world is priceless. I got a chance to bless someone last night and I never have enough to bless anyone - not like that. But I did last night. It's exactly what I had asked of God -- and much sooner than I ever expected. I'm in awe. It would be very simple and probably silly to someone else.... but to me it was one of God's masterpieces... just for me.
This is purely pleasurable writing. My hope is that it may bring someone inspiration, introspection, or contemplation.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
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Chemicals no longer needed.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I'm going on day three... of little sleep, I'm in a transition with my depression medications....

I've loved someone for 16 years. I wonder if it will ever go away. All I have to do is hear a song. The pain floods back, the ache...
http://www.astro.com/cgi/atxgen.cgi?btyp=cf This link is to a color test that will give you an emotional and psychological assessment. I...
I trust the Lord explicitly. I have great faith. I've been through many a trial - and I feel fully alive. I'm a very grateful per...
I've known you a long time! Reading your blog and talking to you on the phone reflects your growth in various areas. Keep it up! He will guide you, just remember to listen...he comes to you in so many different ways and sometimes you need to stop and look at yourself in the mirror and say "I make a difference"...regardless if you realize it or not! Love you immensely!