I just have to remember that she is here for me, and I am there for her. This is where the gratitude comes in. I am a single woman, and she is my reason to get around many days. She is listed as a "service animal" - or else I could not have her. I know that there are days that I surely would not take six to seven walks if it were not for her!
She was my Dad's dog. He loved her dearly. She helped him with the recovery from his stroke. He lived for this dog. I cannot but care deeply for her, because of who and how she is, but also that my father loved her so deeply. I guess one could say, she has served our family well. My Mother had her for a few years after my father passed. She has been a strong unit in my family. Dogs are like that, they seem to hold family's together. Lucky has mine. I suppose in some ways she is holding me together too. There have been times, when I've have been deeply sad, and she will always bring me out of this emotional state. She hates it when I cry. She will roll on the floor - lick me - bark - do just about anything to get my attention so that I will stop crying. She is very perceptive and quit smart. She is one of the top ten on the intelligence scale of dogs. I just love her - smart or not.
I suppose it all boils down to gratitude, early morning trips outside or not. I'm grateful for her loyalty, her companionship - and her love. She has been a steady in my family that has now pretty much been brought down to myself and her. She is pretty much all I have got. She serves me well. It is I that must serve her well - even when I don't feel like it. Gratitude is a practiced state of being. It doesn't come natural for some folks. I think for the most part, I've practiced it long enough -- it kind of does for me. Some days are hard, but others, it's easy. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, people that love me and a very loyal companion. I'd say that's pretty good. I am grateful.
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